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The Cooperative Trust and CUNA launch Crash the GAC 2014

Partnering together to create the largest Crash event ever attempted!

MADISON, WI (November 11. 2013) -- The Cooperative Trust in partnership with Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is pleased to announce the launch of applications for Crash the GAC 2014.

 The 2014 Crash the GAC is going to be an event that you don’t want to miss. The Cooperative Trust, CUNA and your state leagues/associations are joining forces in an attempt to get 1 crasher from each state and the District of Columbia represented at this year’s GAC.  That’s right, 51 Crashers in D.C.

Every Crasher will receive a full conference registration from CUNA. If the chosen Crasher’s credit union can’t cover all of their travel expenses their league may be providing some funding to help too!  More details about available sponsorship can be found on the Crash the GAC site.

With more Crashers than ever before, a deeper dive into the world of credit union advocacy, and support from state leagues, Crash the GAC is going to help arm our young professionals with ideas to stay involved when they return home.

“Crash the GAC is an opportunity to give young credit union professionals a real insight into the wider CU System and for them to engage and learn with likeminded young and experienced professionals alike,” said James Marshall, Leader of The Cooperative Trust. “Now going into our 5th year of Crash the GAC, we are thankful to be partnering with CUNA to bring you the biggest Crash event we’ve ever tried to pull off. On top of that, the support from the state leagues and associations to ensure that their young professionals can attend the nation’s foremost credit union event has been staggering. Bringing the focus to advocacy is key this coming year, with campaigns such as ‘Don’t Tax my CU’ going on, to make sure that our Crashers head home knowing how important governmental affairs really are.”

Crash the GAC will bring young credit union professionals together, running a tailored program alongside the main event and allowing for mentor sessions with key individuals from the likes of National Credit Union Foundation, Credit Union National Association, National Credit Union Administration, Filene Research Institute and CUNA Mutual Group.

“I believe we need to develop next generation leaders to grow, promote and sustain the credit union movement. The CUNA GAC is the premier, annual, must-attend program for engaged credit union staff.  We look forward to working with The Cooperative Trust to expand the presence of young professionals in the 2014 Crash the GAC.” Says Jill Tomalin, EVP and COO of Credit Union National Association.

Head over to to find out more and complete an application form.

Have you got any questions? Email The Cooperative Trust at! Applications are due by Tuesday, December 17th 2013 with application decisions being made in early January.

The Crash the GAC is brought to you by The Cooperative Trust and CUNA, in association with Credit Union Leagues/Associations and sponsored by CUNA Mutual Group.

About The Cooperative Trust

The Cooperative Trust is a grassroots community of young people who work in credit unions and cooperatives. Founded by the Filene Research Institute and made possible by CUNA Mutual Group, the Trust connects and enables several hundred young people fighting for the future of socially responsible finance through meet-ups, mentorships and collective action.

About Filene

Filene Research Institute is an independent, consumer finance think and do tank dedicated to scientific and thoughtful analysis about issues affecting the future of credit unions, retail banking and cooperative finance. Filene is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Nearly 1,000 members make the Institute’s research, innovation and impact programs possible.

About Credit Union National Association

Credit Union National Association (CUNA), based in Washington, D.C., and Madison, Wisconsin, is the premier national trade association serving America's credit unions.