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The Honorable Rodney E. Hood to speak to Education Credit Unions in February

NCUA Board Member Rodney Hood will be at the Education Credit Union Council (ECUC) conference, giving Education credit unions a glimpse of what to expect in 2023 from NCUA, along with his perspective on pertinent topics impacting credit unions.

We’re excited that Rodney Hood will be speaking at our annual conference in February,” said Scott Arkills, President/CEO of Silver State Schools Credit Union who also serves as ECUC President.  “With so many issues facing our credit unions today, the timing is perfect for us to hear from Mr. Hood, and to provide our credit unions with an opportunity to engage with him. We look forward to seeing credit unions from across the nation come together in St. Pete next February.” 

Mr. Hood will present on Friday, the last day of the ECUC conference which is planned to be all about looking forward and taking on 2023. The conference will feature Mr. Hood, Steve Rick, who is Chief Economist with CUNA Mutual Group, and closing presenter Len Ferman with a lively talk on innovation.

About the Conference: The ECUC 49th Annual Conference will be held in St. Petersburg, Florida February 15-17, 2023.  Event is open to all credit unions.  For everything about St. Pete 2023 and the Education Credit Union Council visit

Education Credit Union Council
