
The honorable Tanya Otsuka’s nomination to NCUA board

WASHINGTON, DC (December 21, 2023) — Earlier this year, President Joseph R. Biden nominated Tanya Otsuka of Virginia to the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) Board. Otsuka is currently the senior counsel for staff of the Senate Banking Committee, led by Chairman Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio. Otsuka previously worked with the FDIC as a staff attorney and counsel. Yesterday, the Senate officially confirmed Otsuka as the newest NCUA Board Member, who is assuming former NCUA Board Member Rodney Hood’s role on the NCUA Board. 

DCUC President/CEO Anthony Hernandez issued a statement sharing his support of Otsuka’s confirmation:

“The Hon. Otsuka is an excellent nominee and we look forward to working with her on many issues which will affect each of our member credit unions. From her statements during her confirmation hearing, it is clear that we share her strong commitment to empowering consumers and strengthening the role of credit unions serving their communities. Welcome Board Member Otsuka!”

Earlier this year, NCUA Board Chairman Todd Harper also shared a statement in support of Otsuka’s nomination: 

“Tanya Otsuka is a committed public servant and a well-qualified nominee to serve on the NCUA Board. Tanya’s past work has strengthened the U.S. financial system, protected consumers, and advanced the ability of credit unions to innovate and compete. Tanya would also bring a different point of view to the work of the agency as the first Asian-American NCUA Board Member. If confirmed, I look forward to working with Tanya to protect the deposits of America’s nearly 138 million credit union members and to expand access to safe, fair, and affordable financial services to under-resourced communities. I hope the Senate acts quickly on her nomination.”

About Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC)

The Defense Credit Union Council is the trusted resource for credit unions on all military and veteran matters. By maintaining a close and constant liaison with the Pentagon, Capitol Hill, and NCUA, the Council champions the interests of credit unions serving our military and veteran communities by coordinating policy, procedures, and legislation impacting morale and welfare, financial readiness, and the delivery of quality financial products and services. Organized in 1963, the Council’s membership is comprised of more than 180 credit unions with over 37 million members. If you would like more information about this topic, please contact DCUC at


Haleigh Laverty



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