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Triad Chapter of CUaware Hands Out Backpacks to the Homeless

Volunteers serve homeless a meal and a backpack filled with supplies

WINSTON SALEM, NC (April 7, 2013) – The Triad chapter of the credit union professionals group, CUaware, distributed 62 backpacks filled with personal care items, first aid supplies and canned food to homeless men and women on the corner of North Point Blvd. and North Patterson Ave. in Winston-Salem. The event was part of CUaware’s community service project called Project Backpack.

During the month of March, Members CU, Winston-Salem Federal CU, Piedmont Advantage CU, Summit CU, and State Employees CU collected backpacks and essential supplies for the homeless. Supplies were packed in the backpacks during CUaware’s monthly social in March, and 12 volunteers from CUaware handed out the backpacks while serving a meal to the homeless and hungry on April 7th. The meal was provided thanks to donations collected at Winston Salem Federal CU and by Pastor Sylvia Dawkins of God’s Mt. Calvary PHD Church. Dawkins coordinates the serving of freshly made food from local restaurants to the homeless on the first Sunday of every month in Winston-Salem.

CUaware volunteers will continue to help serve the homeless on the corner of North Patterson Ave. and North Point Blvd. in Winston-Salem during the first Sunday of every month between 1 PM. and 3 PM. A special event will take place on May 11th to help women and children who are homeless. If you would like to donate gently used women’s clothes, children’s clothes, diapers, and canned food that will be distributed on May 11th please contact Carla Kimel at

About CUaware
CUaware is a group of NC credit union young professionals committed to fostering interaction with, and awareness of, the credit union movement in order to create the next generation of credit union leaders.