
TruMark Financial adds member engagement tools to drive more loans

Credit Union hires Shastic to increase web engagement into their online loan applications

BERKELEY, CA (March 28, 2018) — Last quarter, TruMark Financial® Credit Union was preparing to launch a new website. Prior to launch, the financial organization was seeking a solution to boost online engagement, help visitors easily evaluate financial products, and drive qualified leads into their online loan applications. With a web redesign, the fifth largest credit union in Pennsylvania could hyper-focus on optimizing their member’s digital journey, from the moment a visitor lands on their homepage to the point when a person completes an application.

Typically, banking websites lack interactive member engagement tools, which is why TruMark Financial set out to better engage visitors looking for loans online. Today’s banking consumers view interactive tools as a fun and simple way to quickly quantify a decision, which makes them more appealing. Studies show interactive calculators can increase conversion rates by over 70%. In fact, 81% of marketers say interactive content is more effective than static content, according to Content Marketing Institution (CMI).

TruMark Financial turned to Shastic after learning about the tech vendor’s interactive lead-generation calculators. After a quick setup, TruMark Financial was fully integrated with these smart calculators across the credit union’s web pages. Shastic also guided TruMark Financial in strategically placing the tools across their website and connecting them with their loan origination system.

Following the integration, TruMark Financial experienced a substantial lift in member engagement and completed applications. In the first three months, 4 out of 5 members using the interactive calculators completed a loan application. Additionally, 43% of those applications turned into funded loans.

“Shastic was helpful in providing best practice strategies for optimizing our online lead-generation across our entire website, “said Natalie McManus, VP of Marketing at TruMark Financial. McManus adds, “we are able to enhance engagement with our members’ by providing them valuable information at a crucial stage in their decision process.”

“Credit unions use our online tools to drive new loan volume. Once live, many see an immediate 15 – 20% boost in digital lending growth,” added Joseariel Gomez, Shastic’s CEO.

Founded in 2012, Shastic digital services are built to improve the credit union-member relationship. Going forward, the team will launch several new integrations and continue to better serve the growing number of credit unions with a focus on member engagement.

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About Shastic

Shastic built the first AI workflow automation platform specialized for banking. They offer their technology as a Cloud service that requires minimal upfront IT investment without the elongated implementation process. Shastic is trusted by 50+ financial institutions across the US. Their platform allows financial institutions to increase capacity and processing speed by 10 times using the same resources and processes they currently have in place. For more information, visit


Patrick Guilshan
William Mills Agency


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