
UMassFive “Super Savers” Help Kids “Stache the Cash” During Credit Union Youth Week

HADLEY, MA During Credit Union Youth Week (April 22 – 27, 2013), UMassFive’s Super Savers are on a case to keep watch on the Money Gobbler while kids “stache” the cash! Kids will get a FREE MUSTACHE (while supplies last) each time they make a deposit to their Super Saver account this week. Come on down to our Hadley, Northampton, and Worcester branches to participate in the special event!

UMassFive’s Super Saver program encourages kids between the ages of 5-9 to save money, develop savings goals, and try to avoid the “money gobbler”. To become a Super Saver, each child will use their Super Saver passbook to guide them through the stages of savings; from Rookie, to Savings Sidekick, to Super-Saver-in-Training. Along the way there are fun stickers marking deposits to savings accounts, cool stamps marking completion of a level, and “super” prizes.

To join the Super Savers program, children must be members of the Credit Union. For more information on how to open a Super Saver account, visit or call a friendly Call Center Representative today.

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