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Ventura County Credit Union celebrates its Juntos Avanzamos designation

VCCU nationally recognized for commitment to serving and empowering Hispanic community

On May 3, 2018, Ventura County Credit Union (VCCU), a not-for-profit financial institution, held a Juntos Avanzamos (“Together We Advance”) proclamation and flag raising ceremony to celebrate its commitment to empowering the Hispanic and immigrant communities.

As a Juntos Avanzamos designated credit union, VCCU has demonstrated its ability to go above and beyond to help individuals and families from these communities navigate the U.S. financial system. Juntos Avanzamos credit unions employ bilingual, culturally competent staff and leadership; accept alternative forms of ID; and treat all members with respect, regardless of immigration status.

“We are extremely honored to be designated as a Juntos Avanzamos credit union,” said Joe Schroeder, president and CEO of VCCU. “VCCU strives daily to provide the Hispanic and immigrant communities with educational resources and support. Our goal is to make a difference in their lives in any way we can.”

In addition to offering affordable financial services, VCCU provides outreach and education programs for members of the Hispanic and immigrant communities. VCCU has 99 Hispanic employees (51 percent), and 63 of them are bilingual. In 2017, VCCU carried out 87 outreach events, including information tables at local farms, nonprofits and partner organizations. Over the last two years, the credit union conducted approximately 70 free financial literacy seminars with over 30 percent of them in Spanish. Schroeder was also recognized by El Concilio Family Services at its 28th Annual Latino Leadership Awards for his outstanding contribution to improving the quality of life of the underserved Latino community.

With live music, food, drinks and 60 attendees, the proclamation ceremony was emceed by VCCU’s community outreach officer, Marilyn Peake. Schroeder gave the opening speech, followed by several guest speakers, beginning with Juvenal Solano, VCCU member and community organizer for the Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP), and Roberto Rodríguez Hernández from the Consulate of Mexico in Oxnard.

Jacqui Irwin, California state assemblymember, 44th district, also spoke, followed by Pablo DeFilippi, senior vice president of membership and network engagement at the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions, and Larry Palochik, senior vice president of member solutions at the California and Nevada Credit Union League. Closing remarks were given by Sue Tatangelo, board chair of VCCU and chief resource officer of the Camarillo Health Care District. Schroeder accepted the Juntos Avanzamos proclamation on behalf of VCCU, and the ceremony concluded with the raising of the Juntos Avanzamos flag.

For more information about VCCU and its involvement in the Hispanic community, visit

Ventura County Credit Union
