
Vizo Financial highlights risk education & expert speakers at the 2023 Risk Management Conference

GREENSBORO, NC (April 27, 2023) — Vizo Financial’s 2023 Risk Management Conference was held at The Hotel Hershey in Hershey, Pa. from April 20 – 21, 2023. During this two-day conference, risk management and credit union management staff gathered for educational sessions and networking opportunities.

The cornerstone of this education conference was the roster of seven expert speakers from a variety of notable organizations, including:

  • Michael Birley, FBI
  • Monica Bolin,Ncontracts
  • Jessica Caballero,DefenseStorm
  • Mark Clarke, Vizo Financial
  • Anthony Huey, Reputation Management, LLC
  • Jessica Lelii, Macha/PAR
  • James Ruffin,RKL

“We were really pleased with the lineup of knowledgeable speakers from diverse organizations for this year’s Risk Management Conference,” said Jaime Agostino, director of marketing and business development for Vizo Financial. “The speakers and presentations were very insightful, and we received great feedback from attendees. All in all, the event was a success!”

Education sessions over the two days covered a tabletop simulation, risks credit unions could face in 2023, steps credit unions can take to effectively manage crisis communications and the fundamentals of payment risks.

“Our goal with this year’s Risk Management Conference was to try to cover the variety of risks that credit unions could face throughout the year,” said Lori Gall, chief risk officer for Vizo Financial. “We wanted to ensure that we were offering a vast selection of topics on the risk spectrum – from payment risks to IT and cybersecurity risks, and from crisis communication to partnering with law enforcement. We know that attendees were presented with valuable information that they can take back to their credit unions and implement in 2023 and beyond.”

Attendees had positive things to say about this year’s conference, such as, Thank you for always putting this conference on. I don’t know any other conferences that cover these topics.”

Other attendees commented on speakers who were “exceptional and addressed a very pertinent topic in a practical manner.”

Vizo Financial extends its thanks to the speakers, attendees and corporate staff for making the 2023 Risk Management Conference a success!

Lori Gall


Jaime Agostino


About Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union

Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union’s goal is to drive credit union success through proven EXCELLENCE, unmatched EXPERTISE and engaged PARTNERSHIPS. It is a state-chartered corporate credit union that serves CUSOs, leagues, chapters and more than 1,000 credit unions in the U.S. and Canada. Vizo Financial provides money management, payments, core processing and education solutions. For more information, please visit


Cheryl Johnson
Cheryl Johnson PR
(913) 488-2710

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