
Vizo Financial President/CEO, David Brehmer, announces retirement in 2024

GREENSBORO, NC (March 23, 2023) — Vizo Financial president/CEO, David Brehmer, has announced his plans to retire on January 5, 2024. Brehmer has spent 44 years in the credit union movement, 29 of which have been with the Corporate.

“Serving credit unions in my role as president/CEO of Vizo Financial has been a great honor and the pinnacle of my long career,” said Brehmer. “While I remain energized by the work we do in serving credit unions and particularly any time I get to spend with credit unions, this appears to be an excellent time to allow new leadership to continue the progress we have made since forming Vizo Financial in 2016 when we set out to make a stronger, more financially secure corporate credit union.”

Since that time, Brehmer has led Vizo Financial (alongside former CEO Jay Murray until 2021) to achieve a full payback of member credit unions that lost capital with the Corporate during the Great Recession, reach a position of solid financial strength, form an award-winning workplace culture and embody the guiding credit union principles of cooperation among cooperatives, concern for community and diversity, equity and inclusion.

The board of directors has selected Fred Eisel, Vizo Financial’s current chief investment officer, to take over the role of president/CEO upon Brehmer’s retirement. Eisel has worked in the corporate credit union system for almost 30 years, the last 22 years as part of Brehmer’s executive team at the Corporate. “I have the utmost confidence in Fred’s abilities to continue to improve the organization’s value to the membership as he inherits an exceptional leadership team and an experienced, knowledgeable and highly engaged workforce.”

“I look forward to working with credit unions throughout 2023, as I finish out my tenure as president and CEO of Vizo Financial,” said Brehmer. “I cannot thank everyone enough for the support and friendships I have developed over the years. And, as my brother always said when closing out his radio show, ‘take nothing for granted, it’s great to be alive!’”

The Corporate wishes Brehmer a blissful and rewarding retirement!


David Brehmer


Fred Eisel


About Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union

Vizo Financial Corporate Credit Union’s goal is to drive credit union success through proven EXCELLENCE, unmatched EXPERTISE and engaged PARTNERSHIPS. It is a state-chartered corporate credit union that serves CUSOs, leagues, chapters and more than 1,000 credit unions in the U.S. and Canada. Vizo Financial provides money management, payments, core processing and education solutions. For more information, please visit


Cheryl Johnson
Cheryl Johnson PR
(913) 488-2710

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