Proposed IRS reporting provisions would create ‘significant new burdens’

Credit unions need to work together against a proposal that would require financial institutions to report money moving into and out of accounts to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), said CUNA Chief Advocacy Officer Ryan Donovan. CUNA issued an action alert Wednesday urging credit unions to share their concerns about the proposal, which under consideration in the infrastructure package currently being debated.

“This proposal would put credit unions and banks in the position of perpetrating an unprecedented invasion of privacy, in addition to creating a significant new compliance burden for credit unions,” Donovan said. “We encourage credit unions to reach out to your staff, members, and other stakeholders, as this directly impacts their day-to-day activities and privacy. We need to tell members of Congress to oppose this provision.”

The proposal would require depository institutions reporting nontaxable activity, including the gross amount flowing into and out of accounts to try and identify unreported taxable income.


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