Purposeful talent development: A guided approach

3 tips for really taking action on talent development in 2019.

Year after year, organizations identify key priorities for the coming year. For a while now, talent development has been a standard item on the list. Leaders understand that, for their organizations to meet strategic goals and grow, the right people must be in the right roles. However, as great as it is to have talent development as an identified priority, what is really key is what organizations are doing as a result.

As with most things, an organization’s talent development actions speak louder than its words. Some organizations that identify talent development as a priority still treat it like a line item. They know they should have talent development on the list, so they do, but they fail to put a plan in place so talent development really makes an impact. With a guided approach, talent development can support both the staff and organizational needs today and tomorrow. A guided approach means having and following a clear strategy to focus development efforts and best leverage available resources.

With budget season upon us, ask yourself: Is talent development going to be a true priority or just a line item at my credit union? Here are a few tips for how you can use a guided approach to really take action on talent development in the coming year.


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