Putting interchange data to work

CUNA and the American Association of Credit Union Leagues released an interchange study on Monday. It contains great data that reinforces the arguments we’ve made all along, and CUNA and Leagues spent this week making sure the right people saw it.

Our message to Congress summarized key points from our study in advance of retailer Capitol Hill visits, providing research and information to pre-emptively rebut many of the merchants’ arguments supporting the Big Box bill.

Leading up to the August Congressional recess, we will share additional points from the interchange study with members of Congress each week. When lawmakers head home, credit union leaders can engage with them in-person on this issue and use the study results to reinforce key issues.

We also targeted legislators with digital ads this week, driving home the main concerns with the big box interchange bill, focusing on interchange as the cost of doing business, and sharing how retailers haven’t shared their savings from the 2010 Durbin Amendment debit interchange reduction.


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