Q1 credit union strategic plan reminders: 3 things to stay on track

It’s a new quarter, and it’s a new year, but maybe you’re off to a rough start with accomplishing those tasks in your credit union strategic plan for 2023. Fires have popped up, and the urgent is taking priority over the important.

Here are three things you should do right now to make sure you don’t fall back into the hole of bad habits that keep you from success this year:

  1. Move on. It’s common for Q1 strategic priorities to take a back seat to the autopsy of failures from the previous year. By all means, DO IT! Make sure you look at what went wrong and plan ahead to avoid it, but don’t let it suck all of the air out of the room. Don’t let looking in the rearview mirror over-intrude into what is right in front of you now. Discuss it, learn from it, and get back to work on Q1.
  2. Don’t go back. When you start working on the tasks from your strategic plan, it’s going to make some of your team uncomfortable. Change isn’t comfortable for them, and there’s going to be a natural inclination to push back on what has already been approved and discussed. Or worse, arsonists who say they are on board but do everything they can behind your back to sabotage your strategic plan. As leaders, it’s your job to hold your team accountable for working on the strategic plan. That means high levels of quality communication with those who are getting outside of their comfort zone and dealing swiftly with any arsonists.


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