Seven steps toward a holistic financial fitness program

Nine of 10 retirement plan participants surveyed said using a holistic financial fitness program helped them

More employers are graduating from retirement education programs and moving up to a more holistic financial fitness model designed to help employees improve their short- and long-term financial health.

If your credit union is thinking about ways to enhance financial fitness within your benefits programs, the results of Cuna Mutual’s 2021 Retirement Participant Education Survey offer some insight into the features employees would find most helpful in a financial fitness program.

In February and March 2021, CUNA Mutual Group surveyed more than 15,000 participants of its defined contribution retirement savings plans. At that time, the COVID-19 pandemic had certainly injected a sense of urgency around short-term financial matters for respondents and their employers.

The survey results suggest tactics to promote financial preparedness and resiliency in the wake of the pandemic and beyond:


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