Something’s different about us…yet still the same

by. Bill Priemer

Our company was founded, more than 20 years ago now, with a single, simple mission: to help a small bank in Necedah, Wisconsin, achieve its full potential. In close collaboration with this one customer, with its current and future needs in mind, we crafted one of the world’s first Windows-based integrated document management systems.

The bank’s leap of faith in an upstart company was rewarded with a software application unlike any other on the market. It was powerful, and so enabled sub-second retrieval of statements, signature cards and checks. It was utterly intuitive, and so required little or no training. It was completely configurable, and so could be quickly and easily modified by the customer themselves.

The bank discovered that the faster their people found the information they needed, the more they were able to accomplish. They completed more tasks, made smarter decisions and provided better service to their customers. In short, they moved much closer to achieving their full potential.

OnBase was something special from the very start.

And it still is. So it’s no surprise that when we started talking about how our brand would continue to evolve, OnBase took center stage. Hyland serves as the creator and innovator of OnBase, but OnBase is the star. And it always will be.

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