This is the third in a series on credit union change management, check out Step 1 – Give your credit union’s employees a voice and Step 2 – Make the case and build enthusiasm.
Have you ever heard the analogy “landing the plane” for implementing a successful change project at your credit union?
Well, forget that phrase!
The end of a change management project isn’t the finish line. Establishing a new branch staffing model doesn’t end the day your new branch opens. Any major change to policies, procedures, etc. at your credit union requires active participation from employees and leadership to maintain the momentum and ensure that the new thing turns into the status quo.
You want to document the mission, support the move, and perform a lessons-learned.
Document the mission
No matter how much training you do, it’s still going to be difficult to remember things and not fall back into old patterns. It’s important that you document the mission, have an easy reference to why the changes needed to be made in the first place and what needs to be done going forward.
This doesn’t have to be a book – it could be a pamphlet, a pdf, a printout taped to the breakroom wall, etc. For example, if your new hybrid workplace has reservable meeting rooms, have a sign with information on how to check and make reservations by the door of each room.
The important part is writing down and sharing this information, making it tangible and easily shareable.
Support the move
Ensure that the transition goes smoothly through training, preparation, rapid resolutions, and demonstrations.
Take a new branch staffing model for example. When the new branch is ready to move in, don’t just have fresh staff unsupported. Pull in a branch manager who has already gone through the process or one of the leaders driving this transition, and have them work the branch. If problems pop up, whether it’s a matter of confusion around procedures, a technology issue, etc., make sure that the branch staff have the support and resources to handle this problem as quickly as possible and get back into a natural flow of work.
A positive experience around implementing something new can help employees engage with and support the change, and the resulting enthusiasm can help make the change more durable.
Perform a lessons-learned
Lessons-learned is a critical step in any change management project. This is an opportunity to ensure that you and your team are progressing towards your goals and that the change is functioning as intended.
For example, in a branch staffing model change, are staff-member interactions happening as expected? Is this how you imagined the new branch to be performing? When performing a lessons-learned, you have an opportunity to reflect on the change and come up with a plan to address things that aren’t going as expected.
We recommend doing a lessons-learned 90 days to six months in after moving to a new facility, but this will vary based on the specific type of change management project you are embarking on.
Learn more
Do you feel that you’re ready to tackle your next change management project? Let us know your thoughts via the form below or check out our website to learn more at