Ten questions to ask at your strategic planning session

It’s that time of year again: strategic planning sessions is here. Once autumn hits, it’s not just football season—it’s planning season. Whether it’s finding a facilitator or gathering data, there are many steps we can take before the session to ensure the planning process goes smoothly.

Every year I blog about “10 Questions to Ask At Your Strategic Planning Session.” While those were applicable in 2013 (and you can still use them this year), here are some fresh questions for 2014. In fact, you can ask these questions in a pre-session survey of attendees (I do that with many of my planning clients).

Regardless of how you use them, below are ten questions you should ask during your strategic planning session.

(1) How are we going to build a true digital channel? How can we better integrate our digital strategy with our sales strategy and our branching strategy?

(2)  In 140 characters, what is the “big idea” we want consumers to know about our financial institution?

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