It was called “The Great War” back when the world was innocent enough to think it was the war to end all wars. Then after Germany invaded Poland in 1939, the Great War became World War I. Officially, it ended June 28, 1919, with the Treaty of Versailles, but fighting ceased seven months earlier with an armistice so world leaders to discuss terms of peace. It was to begin on “the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.”
To remember the sacrifice of those who served in the Great War, the allied nations observed the first Armistice Day on November 11, 1919. Nations held parades and businesses paused briefly at 11 a.m. to honor those who served. In 1938, Armistice Day became a legal holiday, committed to the cause of world peace.
Fast forward to 1954 and two wars later: World War I clearly hadn’t been the final war, and the U.S. Congress changed the name to Veterans Day to honor veterans of all wars.
Just like the DigitalMailer family, your members/customers and staff include veterans and current service members. Here are some suggestions for acknowledging them:
- Invite staff to set a reminder on their calendars for 11 a.m. November 11, and stop to honor veterans and their families.