The importance of simplifying your tech stack

As we reflect on a year of great change and volatility, we should take time to evaluate the organizations that thrived and those that did not. Obviously, some that did not, or will not, survive are in industries like hospitality that had no chance, but for those in other industries, how well did they adapt and what was the common denominator?

While COVID-19 required organizations to innovate, respond, and react all the while protecting themselves from new threats, it wasn’t the only story. We saw some of the worst breaches in history. We dealt with political turmoil and an uprising against racial injustice all while battling a global pandemic. Some organizations fared well and some, not so much.

What set them apart? It starts with leadership. Not leadership in the sense of guiding a company’s vision or strategy. I am referring to leaders that understand change management and recognize the need for turnaround strategies to help an organization respond to challenges in order to grow.


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