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The revolving door

Revolving Door

I quit… now what?

Breathe… I mean it. Don’t take it personal. Allow the air into your lungs because this is just the beginning. I know… I know. You’re already short people.

According to Gallup, the Great Resignation is really the great discontent. I call it a sign. A sign because perhaps employees’ are starting to sense a need for contentment, a deeper self-connection and professional alignment. I have to confess, this excites me and hopefully after reading this article you’ll be onboard as well.

Four million people followed their North Star in a new direction. A direction that has been long overdue from the concept “work to live” to living to work. This is not a drill. It’s the “new way of living and working” going forward.

From personal experience, there is a significant difference between the two. The former has the potential to become a burden and weight of stress; while the latter identity and wholeness.

I want every credit union CEO, leader and manager to know… this is your moment!

A moment that I’ve coined as a “conscious awaking.” An awaking of head, heart and hands. Instead of the grind culture and disengaged employees, the opportunity awaits to shift the culture and conversation to meaningful work. Have you thought about how good credit unions have it right now? Really think about this…“people helping people.” Sit with it from the lenses the employees are the people you’re serving as well. I know as the employer you’re paying employees a salary. Great! That’s expected.

Now, think about the heart, head and hands in a new way. According to Gallup, pay increase, time off, etc. is not the problem. It’s work that has meaning. It’s time to embrace it if you’re struggling to understand what is happening.

Mental wellness, workplace satisfaction and “life/work engagement” is a must. It’s merging personal and professional work that fuels the mission and human spirit.

To accomplish this type of heart-centered work, it will take courage, conversations and commitment. The kind of courage that may not feel good at first because many are in the space of I need to work to pay the bills.

Here’s how to start:

1. Unpack Personal Why

The “People Helping People” philosophy is clear. The question to ask is “why” the message and values are important to each person. It’s one of those “deep dive” questions. Onboarding and unpacking the “why” is a constant. It’s not a few days or weeks in a classroom. Each team member unpacking may sound different but if you’re listening you’ll learn “why” most people show-up.

2. Culture Matters

Turnover has a story to tell. It’s time to inspect the culture and start the conversations. Conversations that are not one-sided. It’s imperative to gather perspectives from all team members. Effective communication is the birthplace of all innovation, change and gathering a pulse check on culture. Psychological safety is a must, and if your team members don’t feel comfortable “sharing” their heart, therein lies a problem.

Jim Clifton stated, “Its possible employee mental health will get worse.” Stay abreast on the impact of mental stress and how to have well-being talks.

Create a culture of well-being. It’s vital for leaders to understand their mental state and the people they serve.

3. Strength-Based Leadership

“I’ve never met an effective leader who wasn’t aware of his talents and working to sharpen them.” – Commander Wesley Clark

Great leaders understand their strengths; while working to help others discover and use theirs. If you want to increase workplace “harmony”, then start by engaging each person. Job satisfaction is a result of culture and work that aligns to strengths. Four million people walked away from boring and burnout. This still gives me chills!

The revolving door power weakens when “life and work” are congruent. This is your moment… “People Helping People.”

LaVada Humphrey

LaVada Humphrey

PureRising Group