The ‘why’ of financial well-being for all

I found myself in a room with hundreds of credit union practitioners passionate about making a difference on the financial well-being of their members and their communities at the CU FinHealth23 Conference, co-hosted by the Cornerstone Foundation, California and Nevada Credit Union Leagues and the National Credit Union Foundation, earlier this week.

I was preaching to the choir when I spoke to this group, but I wanted to remind all of us why we must maintain a strong commitment to improving financial well-being for all.

It’s something we can never take for granted or lose sight of no matter what else we’re working on because:

  • It’s the right thing to do: We were created to give people opportunities outside of mainstream financial services, and more people than ever need a credit union to help them manage their day-to-day needs, plan for their future and achieve their dreams.


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