This week: Congress works to end gov’t shutdown, committees plot priorities

The House and Senate are in session this week, though much of their focus will likely be on trying to come to an agreement to end the partial government shutdown that is now approaching its third week. In addition, party leaders in both chambers are wrapping up committee assignments for the 116th Congress.

Over the weekend, House Democrats unveiled four separate spending bills to fund departments such as Treasury, Agriculture, Interior, Transportation and Housing and Urban Development, and some other agencies through Sept. 30. This piecemeal strategy comes as the Senate and President Donald Trump said they would not support a funding package passed by the House last week that included six full-year appropriations bills and a continuing resolution through Feb. 8 for the Department of Homeland Security. The president has said he will not sign a bill to fund the government unless it provides money for his proposed wall along the border of Mexico – the House has not allocated such funding.

NAFCU will keep credit unions updated as government funding discussions continue.


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