Three Ways to Advance the Cooperative Spirit in the Season of Giving

Walt Laskos is a Credit Union Development Educator and principal of The Laskos Group
by: Walt Laskos, The Laskos Group

It’s finally here, that time of year when thoughts turn to family, holidays and giving.

As cooperatives, “giving back” is deeply rooted in our nature and the principles that govern our business model. It is expressed through member education or simply supporting local communities in ways that help them grow and prosper.

The generosity of credit unions and all co-ops alike during this time of year is outstanding, from Operation Best Wishes on the national level, supporting military families by enabling them to make video greeting cards for their deployed loved ones, to all the support that’s shown on the local level to organizations that feed and shelter the less fortunate.

This year, however, let’s not be on autopilot when it comes to giving. At a time in our country’s history when so many are coping with hardships that can overwhelm the best of us, giving needs to take on a new meaning. I’m not talking about giving that simply sees another necktie being added to the collection that’s already in Dad’s top drawer or simply writing out a check to a local charity.

No, this year I invite you to consider taking an entirely new look at the way you and your credit union or cooperative “gives,” whether it be to your local community or to your members.

Here are three key principles to remember when deciding how you will mark this year’s season of giving. Keep these three in mind and you will certainly make a profound difference in the lives of those who will struggle the most to smile this holiday season.

1.  Giving can take many forms.
While most of us typically find a monetary gift to be the easiest and most convenient way to give during the holidays, it does not bring with it the full measure of inner joy that can accompany other ways of giving. Now, I do not propose that we all avoid writing out a check to our favorite charity. Such generosity is highly respectable and kind. But maybe this year, money is not enough.

Along with that check, consider lending an ear to a stranger, a helping hand to the elderly, a smile to all, your time to the needy, or your expertise to those who serve others. These are also ways to give that will not only enrich your life beyond measure but help spread the spirit of the holidays, because each one of them is contagious! Remember, it’s the littlest of things we do that can make the most profound impact on another person.

So why not organize a group of your members who love to sing and bring them to visit the hospitalized and elderly. Their Christmas caroling will brighten the lives of all those who hear their voices. If singing isn’t for you, what about inviting those who like to bake to make holiday cookies or cakes? Collect the goodies and distribute them to members who may be alone and have little chance of savoring the sweetness of the season.

2.  If you find yourself making a monetary donation to a local charity, do more.
Add a visit to the charity as well. Learn how they put to use the donation. See firsthand how they stretch every dollar to get the most from it. Ask how you might help them in the good work that they do, either through service on their board or as a volunteer.

Given today’s economy and all the cutbacks we see around us, every monetary donation is gold to those who serve the neediest among us. Along with that check, become engaged in the charity as well and experience what it means to bring help and a smile to the faces of the less fortunate. I promise you, all the money in the world cannot buy the inner happiness you’ll feel from such an experience.

3.  Do not loose touch with your members, especially with the struggles they endure each day.
As cooperators, we’re attending luncheon meetings, conferences and many times living a life that may not be the same as it is for many of our members.

Life is very difficult today and many are and have been facing hardships not seen since the Great Depression. They may be unemployed—for years. They may be struggling for food or to keep the roof over their heads.

Do all you can to bring some degree of cheer into their lives this holiday season. Make them feel special by arranging some discounts with the local grocery coop for a Christmas ham or turkey. Offer them some holiday eggnog when they stop by the branch but be sure to season it with conversation and a listening ear.

May the spirit of giving enrich you and yours this holiday season!

Walt Laskos is a Credit Union Development Educator and principal of The Laskos Group, a team of professionals that help credit unions and cooperatives optimize the way they communicate and are perceived in the marketplace by providing expert counsel in branding strategy, communications and public relations. Walt is the former Director of Public Relations at Western Corporate Federal Credit Union.

Walt Laskos

Walt Laskos

Walt Laskos, C.U.D.E., M. Div., is editor-in-chief of CUNA’s monthly flagship publication, Credit Union Magazine. He is a DE (Development Educator) with a background spanning more ... Web: Details