Toomey to financial regulators: Whistleblowers wanted

Saying that he has received reports of misconduct at federal financial regulatory agencies, Senate Banking Committee ranking member Sen. Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania is seeking employees willing to blow the whistle on colleagues.

“It has come to my attention through confidential whistleblowers that federal employees at multiple agencies covered by the jurisdiction of the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and represented by the National Treasury Employees Union have alleged experiencing harassment, discrimination, or other forms of abuse by agency officials in recent months,” Toomey wrote in a letter to National Treasury Employees Union National President Anthony Reardon earlier this month.

He asked Reardon to advise employees at the agencies the union represents that they may confidentially contact Banking Committee Republican staff with any information they may have concerning “misconduct or abuse, such as harassment, discrimination or retaliation, as well as the wasteful use of taxpayer dollars and fraud in federal programs.”


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