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What Are The Key Roles A Credit Union Should Identify In Disaster Recovery Planning?

byKirk Drake

If you are working on improving your organizations disaster recovery program and have questions about what roles need to exist this post is for you.

According to the FFIEC, Federal Financial Institution Examiners Council, which is made up of various financial regulators like the NCUA (National Credit Union Administration), FDIC, OTS etc. there are a number of key roles that should be identified in every disaster recovery test. For smaller organizations, these roles may be played by the same person, a board member, or a volunteer.

Business line management

The Business Line Management role is responsible for thetesting of business operations. Often times this role would apply to a team of people such as lending officers, branch managers, tellers, or call center representatives. These are the people that will be validating the process works when compared to their normal daily function.

IT management

The IT Management role is to test the recovery of the institution’s information technology systems, infrastructure, and telecommunications.

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Randall Smith