What are your best subject lines?

How many email campaigns have you run where the open rate and click-through rates were off the charts? Was it because of the content? The target audience? The timing? Or was it a killer subject line?

You might laugh, but subject lines can have a tremendous effect on your open rates. As we discussed in this month’s newsletter, a great subject line is one that drives results – it’s timely, it’s topical, it’s intriguing, and it gives your readers just enough of a taste of what your email has to offer to keep them wanting more.

In the past, we’ve talked about industry-specific open rates for email. In the finance industry, you’re looking at anywhere from 20-25% being the norm, 26-30% being good, and 31% and above being terrific. Did you come up with the kind of subject line that left them speechless and frantically clicking through to your website? We want to know about it!

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