We frequently explore issues related to electronic bill presentment and payments (EBPP), from defining frequently used terminology to busting common myths. But what exactly do we mean by EBPP? Here’s a high-level overview of the major components, features, and functionality of an EBPP solution to help get credit unions started.
EBPP Defined
EBPP is a holistic approach to presenting electronic bills and accepting digital payments from members. An EBPP solution is integrated into a biller’s systems to facilitate seamless e-bill delivery and payments acceptance. It allows billers to deliver the following capabilities to members:
- Deliver e-bills in conjunction with or as a replacement for printed paper bills
- Send account alerts and notifications to members through digital channels such as email and text messaging
- Allow members to fund digital bill payments using payment methods such as ACH and cards. Manual payments (point of sale card payments, personal checks, cash, etc.) can also be recorded in an EBPP solution
- Accept payments from a variety of payment channels, including web-based channels, telephone-based channels, and other channels
- Schedule payments using payment options including auto-pay, payment plans, one-time payments, etc.
Member Support
In addition to client-facing features and functionality, an EBPP solution also allows billers’ internal staff to perform the following member support activities:
- Add new members, edit existing member records, and reset user passwords
- View individual payment details as well as a top-down payments summary
- Schedule bill payments
- Communicate with members via secure messaging
Online Reporting
Finally, an EBPP solution offers online reporting to give billers additional transparency into activities related to payments, members, and settlement.
- Generate comprehensive reports on payments processed, returns received, fee and settlement details, enrollment information, and more
- Reports can be downloaded in multiple file formats
EBPP in Action
How does EBPP work in the real world? These credit unions experienced the following results:
- Greater Nevada Credit Union saw a 61% reduction in call volume.
- Florida Credit Union was able to offer a better payments experience overall, including single sign-on, same-day posting, and displaying data to members in real-time. Total payment volume has also increased by over 20%.
- Alabama Credit Union saved 86 man-hours a week across their 50 agents. They also were able to reduce delinquency in first-time indirect loan payments
To read more on EBPP, go to our blog, Busting 5 Common EBPP Myths.