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What would a credit union for millennials look like?


by: Derek Gillette,Northwest Credit Union Association

CreditUnion on Purposeis afictional credit unioncreated by Gillette to explore what a credit union focused on serving Millennials might look like. In this article, Gillette imagines an ad campaign to speak to Millennials centered around the credit union’s core value of intentionality.

One of the biggest struggles any credit union faces is that most people choose where they bank for one of the following reasons:

  1. Location
  2. Wherever they opened their first account as a teenager
  3. Used by a family member, spouse, or very close friend

AtCredit Union on Purpose, our first core value is Intentionality. We believe that people want to be intentional with their money. But that’s not the conversation society is currently having about where to bank.

In situations like this we’re reminded of a quote from the AMC show Mad Men: “If you don’t like what’s being said, change the conversation.”

Jordan Rumsey