When evaluating native apps, mobile sites and hybrid apps, contemplate the merits of each potential solution in light of your financial institution’s business goals and capabilities.
by. Christopher Rinaldi
Are you a financial marketer tasked with figuring out the right approach for your bank or credit union’s new site design? You’ve looked at the analytics and read the articles. It’s apparent that your target audience is consuming content on mobile devices more and more every day. In fact, ComScore data indicates that mobile users will surpass desktop users in 2014. However, your research and experience tell you that there are several different approaches that your financial institution can take to deliver a mobile experience. Time, money and effort are among the most critical factors.
While considering the unique input of your in-house marketing and information technology teams, your financial institution is counting on you to make the right decision. Native app? Mobile site? Hybrid app? Offering a native app and a mobile-friendly site would be ideal, but can your institution really afford to develop and maintain both? And would that replace — or supplement— a desktop version of your site? In an effort to preserve budget and resources, perhaps the right solution for your financial institution’s new site is responsive design.