What’s up with this Apple savings account?

This started as a LinkedIn post. However, as I kept adding explanations, it became obvious…this is an article. As an industry, credit unions need to understand what is and isn’t going on with Apple’s upcoming savings account. And what that means for all of us.

I Speak Apple

If you’ve spent any time here, follow my Twitter handle, or spoken to me, you’ll know I’m really into Apple. If you have a question about a product, historical factoid, version release schedule, or even specs, I can tell you straight from memory. (There’s even a security fix credited to me!)

Why do I share that? Because I want you to realize that I’m possibly the most qualified person in our industry to talk about the “doings of Apple”. I’ve connected Apple to credit union insights in 49 separate articles (making this one the big 5-0!).


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