Why asking for help is not a sign of weakness

In my most recent blogs, I’ve shared the case for eliminating the “manager” title and tips to help a struggling employee. One recommendation that these blogs share: Empowering employees to work independently, without micromanagement.

However, being self-sufficient in your role does not mean you forfeit your right to ask for help. In a recent article, internationally-known executive coach John Baldoni stresses that “seeking assistance is not a sign of weakness. It’s an indication of political savviness.”

One thing organizational leaders and new hires have in common, Baldoni writes, is “a reluctance to ask for help.” Here are a few reasons why we are reluctant to ask for help. Do these factor into your decision not to ask?

  • We underestimate other’s willingness to help us.
  • We over-rely on self-reliance.
  • We fear the social cost of appearing “stupid.”


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