Why looking outside the industry is beneficial for credit union success with CU Times’ Sarah Cooke

More often these days credit unions are mentioned in the mainstream media and other non-CU verticals. For instance, Navy Federal Credit Union’s success on Facebook (featured on CUbroadcast) was featured not only on Facebook but in “Convince & Convert” (see it here) — an extremely popular business social media/marketing publication from strategist Jay Baer. It’s this example and many more that are helping propel credit unions as the prime financial resources they are these days.

To get the media’s take on this trend, we invited CU Times’ Publisher/Editor-in-Chief Sarah Cooke on the show to discuss these mainstream mentions and more. We also touched on Apple opening its TouchID security technology to app developers — FI app developers in particular, as biometrics, thankfully, take a stronger foothold in financial services. In addition, we talked about Sarah’s recent article in CU Water Cooler entitled: “Corporate Social Responsibility: A Critical Tool for Credit Union Viability,” as well as the recent industry eruption surrounding risk-based capital from the NCUA. Check it out!


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