Will AI rule your wallet or become the next crypto?

Some might think of artificial intelligence as the new cryptocurrency in the banking world — just another fleeting hot topic due to low consumer adoption — but will it have the same trajectory? A recent Rivel Banking Research report explores the data behind consumer interest in crypto, their trust in the payments mechanism and how it lines up with the data supporting AI's rise in the financial industry.

Are banks about to become tech giants? The financial world is witnessing a fascinating dance between two transformative technologies: artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency.

While both hold immense potential to redefine our financial lives, their current adoption rates paint a contrasting picture: AI is rapidly infiltrating the banking sector, while cryptocurrency remains largely on the periphery, waiting for its moment in the spotlight within the institutions.

Is AI another bubble waiting to burst or is it the advancement banks and consumers have been waiting for?

Cryptocurrency: A house of cards or a long-term strategy?

While some banks offer cryptocurrency trading or custody services, the scale is miniscule compared to AI integration. Regulatory uncertainty surrounding cryptocurrencies and the volatility inherent in crypto markets poses significant risks for risk-averse financial institutions. Most importantly, consumers broadly haven’t yet embraced the digital currency.


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