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12 last-minute financial moves to make before 2013 is over


by. Casey Bond

Some of us are more than ready for the new year, but before you say goodbye to 2013, make sure you and your savings account are set up for the best possible financial situation starting January 2014.

We gathered advice from financial experts across the country around the best last-minute money moves to make within the last few days of the year.

1. Convince Your Boss You Deserve a Raise

A large number of employees undergo year-end performance reviews with their employers — the perfect opportunity to showcase accomplishments and earn a bigger paycheck in the coming year.

Denise Winston, author of Money Starts Here! Your Practical Guide to Survive and Thrive in Any Economy, recommended that if you know you will go under review, prepare for it ahead of time. “Make a list of your year-to-date accomplishments so you can provide it to your boss BEFORE he completes your review,” she said, adding, “Providing your boss solid talking points puts you in prime position to be a standout and get the best raise possible.”

John Pettit