3 reasons your staff doesn’t care about credit union business continuity

We know how hard you’ve worked to put together a great credit union business continuity plan  – the long nights of researching best practices and configuring sophisticated technologies are finally reaching an end. There’s just one problem – YOU know what a great plan it is but the rest of your credit union doesn’t seem to “get it”. We asked around to see why this happens and came up with five that most credit unions can address/fix NOW before disaster strikes!

1) Most employees say they didn’t even know the credit union had a DR/BCP (or the case of quadrant four of Johari’s window) – Many times we assume that the great plans we write will somehow magically communicate themselves down the chain and onto the production floor. This just isn’t the case. Even if an employee has heard the term BCP at work, I’m betting it is more likely to be associated with the mechanism meant to prevent offspring. We throw acronyms around as if everyone is supposed to understand them. Start with a good educational piece on your intranet and build from there. Outline the “why” you have a plan (people safety, community support and let’s not forget compliance), and who is responsible (everyone!). Every employee should be trained so they understand their roles and be trained accordingly.

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