3 simple strategies for praising employees

As a leader, it’s critical that you ensure your employees feel appreciated. It’s no mystery that when employees are valued and respected, office morale is positively affected. Here are a few simple ideas for ensuring your team feels recognized.

Act now
Don’t wait too long between strong employee performance and recognition. The more time that goes by before you express your appreciation, the less effect it will have on your team. So, when someone knocks it out of the park, praise them immediately and it will mean a great deal.

Get specific
Showering your staff with general praise is not a bad idea. But, the more specific you can be the better. For example, instead of saying, “Great job, team. Well done,” say, “Congratulations on making that sale” or “Excellent work helping that new member.” Getting specific shows you’re paying close attention to your employees’ work.

Hold off on being constructive
Don’t follow up your praise with constructive criticism because that makes your kind words seem insincere. Instead, save your feedback for a later date. Although you may just be trying to help with your input, your employee may focus more on how you’d like to see things change than any actual recognition you may be giving.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details