3 things you should do when you leave your job

It’s always hard to leave a job, especially if you’ve been there for a long time and enjoy the work you do. But when you feel the time is right for a change, it can be a really exciting time. Before you leave for good, here are three things you should do…

Clean up: Your computer probably feels like it’s a part of you, but if it’s a company issued one, you’ll more than likely need to return it before you leave. If this is the case for you, make sure you do a little tidying up before you hand it over. Clean off any personal files or photos and make sure you delete any saved logins and passwords. You don’t want a stranger having saved passwords for your personal accounts.

Talk to your favorites: In most workplaces, there are coworkers you’re close to and those you aren’t. When it comes to those coworkers who are more like friends, you probably don’t want them to find out that you’re leaving from anyone but you. Find some time to clue them in to what’s going on before word gets out and makes its way to them.

Schedule a break: It’s not easy to leave a job on Friday afternoon and start a new one on Monday morning. Allow yourself some time to get physically and mentally prepared for your new position. Find out when your new job wants you to start and try and let your current employer know as soon as possible. This way you’ll hopefully be able to schedule yourself a few extra days to get mentally prepared for the change.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details