3 ways to prepare for next tax season

May is right around the corner and that means tax season is finally over. Believe it or not, it’s never too early to start thinking about next year. If filing your taxes was a headache and a hassle this year, here are a few tips to get you prepared for 2018.

Get organized

Did you waste a bunch of time looking for receipts this year? Create a system, whether it’s a file cabinet or a shoebox, and keep track of those receipts and other financial documents you may need at the end of the year. Keep a tally of your charitable and retirement contributions and you’ll be ready to go as soon as you get that W-2 in the mail.

Look for changes

What’s happened to you this year, and what will be happening in the next few months? Are you getting married? Having a kid? Buying a house? Opening up a ROTH IRA? All of these things will affect your filing status, so make sure you’re up to speed on how any of things will affect your filing process.

Prepare for a slow process

Do you have a side hustle or do freelance work? If so, any number of hiccups can occur during tax preparation. Be prepared and know it’s no big deal if you have to file an extension. If you find yourself in this boat, head on over to IRS.gov and get an extension form.

Taxes can be annoying, but with a little preparation, you can make the process a lot easier.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details