44 CU professionals earn designation as Certified Credit Union Internal Auditors

Forty-four credit union professionals earned their Certified Credit Union Internal Auditor (CCUIA) designations after attending CUNA & ACUIA Internal Audit Certification School. These designees have successfully demonstrated their mastery of core auditing competencies.

“This school was one of the best conferences I’ve attended,” said Melody Zimmerman, J.D., CUCE, CCUIA, and auditor at Pennsylvania State Employees CU. “I found the information helpful and enjoyed the speakers and presenters.  I am going to encourage my boss to send some of our other auditors in the future.”

The CCUIA designation can be earned by attending CUNA & ACUIA Internal Audit Certification School. Attendees can recertify every three years to keep their CCUIA designation current.

Excellent speakers with a wealth of knowledge and experience,” said Elizabeth Doron, operational risk officer at NASA FCU and 2019 attendee. “I have worked in the finance industry for 40 years, auditing for 20, and this certification program has given me a renewed sense of purpose.”


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