8 Online Marketing Trends For 2013

From multi-screen engagement to Big Data, from mobile advertising to social search, Callahan’s social media team rounds up 8 trends credit unions should keep an eye on in 2013.


This month, the buzz in online marketing and social media blogs is all about what trends we can expect to see gain momentum in 2013. Here’s a roundup of the top trends.

1.       Multi-screen functionality – Customers are no longer interested in only accessing their goods and services in only one channel, and marketers should adjust their strategy to reflect that. BusinessWeek’s Startup Nation suggests that you need to ensure that your websites, emails, and other marketings are easily accessible, user-friendly, and visually pleasing across all channels. This includes different operating systems, every available Internet browser, and on all screens across desktops, tablets, smartphones, and smart TVs.

2.       Company-wide social media usage – Gone are the days of social media being confined to the marketing department. Examples from Fast Company include HR departments posting jobs and searching for new hires, the sales team connecting with and tracking leads, and even the C suite engaging with customers to enhance their connection with a brand.

3.       Big focus on Big Data – Along with online marketing through a variety of channels comes a substantial amount of data about who is responsive to your marketing efforts. New tools and tracking systems have made it much easier to leverage this data and using it to shape your marketing campaigns in 2013 will be critical. Asurvey by Oracle found that “93% of executive respondents believe that their organization is losing revenue… as a result of not being able to fully leverage the information they collect.”

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