A Grays Sports Almanac for Credit Union Young Leaders

by. Devin Selte

But this is the real world, not Back to the Future.

Soon I’ll no longer be referring to myself as a young leader due to the increasing amount of candles on my birthday cake.  So it’s my responsibility, much like that of Grandpa Tannen sans DeLorean, to share the secrets of the future with those in the past (or for us in the present.)

So if I were to go back to the future, my November 5, 1955 would be May 31, 1999.  This date was my first day of work within the credit union movement.  Since that time, and after over 14 years in the movement, I have a lot of information to share with that younger version of me and this would be what I would share.

Become An Expert In Your Field: Excelling at your role gets you noticed.  Be the go-to person when it comes to what you do within your credit union.  It will create new opportunities like special projects, getting recognized for the good work you do, and even lead to further career progression within the organization.

Get Engaged with the Credit Union Community:   Find ways to build connections with people of passion for the movement like the Cooperative Trust, the National Young Leaders of Canada, and the World Cooperative Young Leaders.  Join Twitter.  Join LinkedIn.  Start following credit union superstars.  Get involved in the conversation.

Take Advantage of Young Leader Opportunities: CUES Next Top Credit Union ExecutiveCredit Union Central of Canada’s National Young Leader Award.  World Council’s Young Credit Union People programSask CU Advance.  Are there any other industries that provide young people the ability to showcase their talent in so many ways?

No…..no there isn’t.

Mentorship: Find a mentor.  There is SOOOOO much human capital in this world.  As young leaders, we need to find ways on how to grasp it and infuse it as part of our being.  Mentorship can do that.  Don’t be afraid to seek out those leaders that truly inspire you and challenge you to be better.  Ask them to be your mentor.  When you are ready to pay forward the gift of knowledge that has been provided to you through mentorship, be willing to share what you have learned over the years and become a mentor yourself.

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