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Apple Pay gets high marks from early users

by: Brian Day

Apple Pay has yet to gain widespread adoption among iPhone 6 owners. This is likely due to two factors: 1) poor consumer awareness of which stores accept near field communication (NFC) payments technology, and 2) a lack of understanding of how it works.

According to a recent InfoScout survey, 1 in 10 of iPhone 6 users surveyed have used Apple Pay to make a payment and just under 5 percent made an Apple Pay purchase during the 2014 holiday season. Considering the innovation had only just reached consumers in October 2014, these are significant numbers.

What’s more, the study found those who have used Apple Pay gave it high marks. Compared to using a traditional payment card, 73 percent of said Apple Pay had better ease of use; 67 percent said it had greater speed at checkout; 67 percent said it had better security; and 67 percent said it offered more convenience.

When it comes to the reasons why consumers didn’t use Apple Pay during the holidays, 31 percent indicated they didn’t know whether or not the store accepted it; 25 percent said they forgot to use it; and 19 percent said their phone wasn’t within easy reach. Additionally, 6 percent cited being motivated by rewards for using a different payment method, while another 6 percent said it was too time consuming.

John Pettit