Are your meetings wasting time?

I often feel like there’s not enough time in the day to accomplish what I set out to do. I’ll go out on a limb and say many of you reading this feel the same. Part of this predicament can be attributed to meetings – they take up a tremendous portion of our time, but how productive are they really?

As a leader, it’s our job to create an office culture that sets clear expectations for meetings. Too often they devolve to a safe space for venting frustrations. To ensure our employees are having meaningful conversations, take a look at these four tips from leadership coach Melody Wilding:

  1. Unify the room. Clearly state the purpose of the meeting and ensure all who are participating have a reason to be there. Sticking to an agenda will keep the conversation focused, and be sure to stay within the timeframe set. Meetings that go too long disrupt the rest of the day.


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