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August means advocacy


All around the country, August often means time with friends at barbeques, going on vacations and preparing for the kids to head back to school. Here in Washington, D.C., August means one thing – Congressional recess.

Your U.S. Senators and Representatives are back in their states and districts through Labor Day. 535 Members of Congress are opening up their district offices, holding town hall meetings and other events for constituents. Here’s a chance to meet with them face to face at home. I hope you’ll invite these elected representatives of ours to visit your credit union, meet your employees and see the credit union difference come to life through people helping people.

If a member isn’t able to make it to your credit union, try to meet with them in one of their district offices. Engaging in advocacy is telling your story and I encourage you to help them understand that what you do every single day is making a difference in the lives of your members. This is part of our 360 degree approach to advocacy; an approach to engage everyone, everywhere through grassroots, Hike the Hills and everything in between. I can tell you, as a former member of Congress, my time at home hearing from my constituents helped me represent them back on Capitol Hill.

This August, I need your help. Add your voice to this effort. Make sure you’re out there telling your story– it’s more powerful coming from you than it is me saying it for you. I hope you’ll use this August to engage in credit union advocacy – after all, you’re the best advocates for the credit union movement.

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