The latest from Rick Fowler

- by Rick Fowler, CRMNEXT

Why is data transformation so hard?

Publisher’s Note: CUInsight is hosting a free webinar Monday, April 24th titled, “All Wrong: 84% Of Data Transformations Fail. How to do Data Transformation Right”. We hope you’ll ...

- by Rick Fowler, CRMNEXT

Take proactive collections to the next level

Saving money for a rainy day isn’t easy for the average household. A PSCU survey found that 60% of Americans struggle financially and a full third live paycheck-to-paycheck. To ...

- by Rick Fowler, CRMNEXT

How member data is better than money

Every credit union has a strong call to action that revolves around people helping people. It’s a noble cause that has served the industry and members everywhere well. What ...