Best of 2014: Credit union big data/analytics – Part 2

by: Austin Wentzlaff

Big Data/Analytics has been buzzing around different industries for some time now. A prime example is how Amazon used Big Data/Analytics to dominate the retail industry. For the Credit Union Industry, 2014 was the year for Big Data/Analytics. Credit unions are beginning to realize the value of data-driven decision-making and starting to turn the buzz of Big Data/Analytics into reality. As 2014 comes to an end, I have taken the liberty of compiling some of the industry’s favorite Big Data/Analytics related articles from OnApproach’s blog, The Decision Marker.  Here is part two of two.  Enjoy!

A Lesson from Amazon & Uber: How to Transform Data into your most Valuable Asset

In recent years we’ve experienced a phenomena in business – the transformation from physical, brick-and-mortar retailers to online/mobile retailers.  This transformation has shaken up the way people interact with businesses and consequently how business operations have changed to accommodate.  Online/mobile has created a whole new definition of the word convenient by making payments more simplistic and by giving users unique experiences by recommending products and services they unknowingly love.  Find out how well-known retailers relate to credit unions here…

4 Business Processes Being Revolutionized by Big Data/Analytics

The goal of every Big Data/Analytics solution is to improve the business.  Credit unions need to first focus on business processes before implementing big data & analytics solutions.  This article lays out 4 business process at credit unions that are being revolutionized by Big Data/Analytics.  See the full list here…

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