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Brand continuity is the key!


In a properly deployed Omni-Channel delivery network the experience, from the client perspective, is seamless. Often, when the client does come into the physical branch, they do so already knowing a great deal about what they want and how they wish to accomplish their goals. Exploration through your other public-facing delivery channels, virtual and automated, can provide them the tools and resources to gain a basic understanding of what your organization may have to offer — and more to the point how they will benefit from those products and services. It then becomes the task of those in the physical branch to provide additional education and advisory services specific to those already established goals and motivations.

Brand continuity is the key component which must be present in each facet of the Omni-Channel delivery network. The brand must be consistent, and the brand should be displayed at every available opportunity. This degree of continuity provides total channel transparency no matter how your target consumer elects to receive their services — your client must know that it’s “you” on the other side of the conversation or transaction — whether you’re on the other side of a door at your branch, a computer monitor in their home, or a smartphone app, when they’re on the go.

John Pettit