How to build your own Super Squad

With the recent release of the Justice League movie and the newly premiered trailer for Avengers: Infinity War, it got me thinking a lot about assembling an awesome team. Here are four steps to putting together your own Super Squad at your credit union.

Find (super) talented people: Just like Nick Fury did, the first step in building a great team is finding the right people. You can work on shaping and molding your team every day, but it all starts with figuring out what you want the your team to look like, and finding people that fit the mold.

Push the right buttons: Find out what motivates your team and the areas in which they excel. Use this information to put your employees in a position where they can be productive and happy. As they hit their groove, make sure to be mindful of ways you can help them fine tune processes and communication, as well as improve on what’s already good. There’s always room to get better.

Build lines of communication: You want your team communicating well with each other as well as with management. Meet with your team, reinforce your vision, be a motivator, and don’t forget to listen. These things will help your team stay focused, excited, and motivated.

Help them come together: You may not need to save the world from space invaders, but you’ll still need to your team to work together to accomplish their goals. Make sure the vision for you team is clear and the goals are clearly defined. You won’t see success unless everyone is heading in the same direction. Get your team to buy-in to the purpose and mission you’ve established.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for Web: Details