Challenging more than the status quo

by. Dan Berger

Most everyone in a leadership position has heard the phrase “challenge the status quo.” Maybe you’ve even said it once or twice. But before you challenge said status quo, look at whether the change you have in mind will improve your organization, your operations and your team. describes three important things to keep in mind before beginning any status quo challenge. They include:

The goal. Never lose sight of your organization’s goals when evaluating change.

The customer – or member. Keep in mind the credit union way of putting members’ interests first.

The organization. Make sure your team is on board and understands your vision.

Keeping those three things in mind – challenge away. But while you’re evaluating the status quo, drill down a bit. In Forbes, contributor Mike Myatt provides a list of 10 things every leader should challenge. Several stuck out for me, including:

Challenge the promise. Is the product or service you’re offering to your members deliverable and sustainable? Are you keeping your promise to them?

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