Chat covers remote work, pay, and leave

CUNA Council members share ideas of what’s happening at their credit unions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has left human resources professionals trying to figure out ways to deploy a remote workforce and keep these workers engaged while still making sure they’re paid, have time off available in case they’re personally affected by the virus, and remain in good spirits.

“This is an opportunity to bring some creativity in and demonstrate the power of showing you care,” says Cindy Swigert, vice president human resources at $1.02 billion asset UVA Community Credit Union in Charlottesville, Va. “It’s a unique and scary time, but it’s exciting to have these opportunities.”

Swigert and Jan Johnson, executive vice president of organizational agility at $2.84 billion asset Royal Credit Union in Eau Claire, Wis., moderated a CUNA HR & Organizational Development Council Chat Thursday, presented by CUNA Councils.


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